Mr. R.T. Namasivayam, a very active member of many senior forums and associations , a senior citizen himself,  writes about his visit to the National Centre for Ageing,   Guindy,  Tamilnadu,  India and gives information about the services available

I visited the National Centre for Ageing in May 2024.   Helpage India accompanied me.  I was amazed at the infrastructure and more importantly happy about the cause it will be serving.

This center funded by the Government of India, is run by the Tamilnadu Government.  It is the second of such hospitals ( first one being the one at AIIMS, New Delhi).  A third such facility is coming up at BHU, Varanasi.

Located at the Kings Institute campus, Guindy,  the facility is spread over  8.65 acres of land.  The facility has  basement,  ground  floor and three floors that cater to both  outpatient and inpatients.   .  The place is easily accessible by all people.

The unit is equipped with the latest facilities for general medicine and surgery.  It also caters to AYUSH.  It has a separate yoga therapy area.  The facility has general wards of 250 bed  facility   (equally divided between men and women) has 15 paid single AC rooms.  These AC rooms are charged at a nominal cost of Rs.900 per day.   The facility has 20 ICU beds and post-operative / recovery beds are also available.  The 24 X 7 emergency room has 10 beds.  Dr. Deepa is the medical director of the unit.

Patients need to have a valid Aadhar Card to register for the services.   The treatment with food and medicines (drugs) is free for patients in the general ward and paid rooms.   After initial screening, patients are directed to specific doctors.  As of now,  ENT,  Dental, ECG, X-Ray, Echo, body scan and blood test services are available.  General ortho surgeries are performed.  Cancer,  Cardio and other specialty surgeries are done at the adjoining government run hospital,  and the staff direct patients  to this facility.

Tamilnadu is the second state with highest percentage of elder population to the total population.    This is  certainly a boon to senior citizens.  

You can reach the hospital on the land line + 91 44 2250 0191